Test Day

Today was test day. After about ten to fifteen minutes into class Mr. Schick gave us the test then silence fell. The next 30 minutes were all very serious minutes in which everybody got down to business. The test was twenty five multiple choice questions with a choice from two prompts for one long answer question. Some questions included "True or false: English is the official language of the United States." and my answer was false because there is no official language. Another question was "Sir Sanford Fleming suggested all but..." and there were five options to choose from. I chose the obvious answer which was b. Daylight Savings Time, because I know that Benjamin Franklin was the one who suggested Daylight Savings Time and it was not put into effect until after WWII. Towards the end of the class, as I was going up to hand in my test, I asked Mr. Schick if there were supposed to be five answers all 'C' in a row. he said he normally doesn't do that, which was bad news for me. I later then estimated that with the answers I had I would score approximately a ninety-two percent and if that turns out o the true than my final grade for Q1 will be approximately a ninety-seven percent.


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