Time Zones

Today Mr. Schick began by asking a shadow what time it is. This simple question spurred on a very long discussion, which took all class. Mr. Schick then asked why we have time zones. Another idea talked about was how long is the present. the present could be measured by the second or fraction of a second or by decades and centuries. There is no definite time frame of present. The present is just a term that people throw around to generalize a time period. The past and future were easily defined as what happens before and after the present...which leaves us with the question what is the present defined as? Then we went into the main lesson of the day which was about time zones. A central question that was discussed was why are there twenty four time zones. There is no real answer other than that is just how the original time zone guys wanted to do it, and now the rest of the world follows this policy.


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