Pop quiz retake and project presentation

After many complaints about having F's and low grades, Mr. Schick let us take the test again. This was very beneficial to me and probably to everyone since it was the exact same questions. I scored an eighteen out of twenty compared to a fourteen out of twenty the first time around. This was very helpful, thank you Mr. Schick for allowing us to do this. After we went through the test answers just like last time, but this time around Mr. Schick had changed the pictures at the end to two happy babies instead of one sad one and one crying one. I have a strange feeling the plan all along was to take it twice since these questions seem to be vital and will be on our exam. Next we went into our fifty point project, which Mr. Schick almost wanted to slice the total points possible in half. Our group presented and we ended up with a fifty out of fifty. Mr. Schick questioned us, in particular, about the UNICEF organization. More groups will present next class.


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