Test answers discussion

Today Mr. Schick handed back the tests from last week. There were many A's in the class and many more one hundred percents and beyond. The highest possible grade you could earn was one hundred and four points. The two extra credit questions I mentioned in the blog from test day were worth two points each evidently. The second question, the one I was unsure about, turned out to be correct. The replacement rate indeed needs to be two point one in order for a population to increase. As mentioned in a previous post, this fact is in some cases, the only thing that some of Mr. Schick's students learned in his class. Overall the test was fair. We then went around in the same fashion as previous tests and read the answers aloud. I am very gratutious for the extra credit points and possible points from the Kiva activity. Mr. Schick then scolded us for not donating to Kiva in the extra credit opportunity.  Our semester exams are coming up in two and half weeks. We will have one more test before the exam. 


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