Test Preparation and Review

Today was all about review for the test. But first, Mr. Schick started out by scolding all of his other sections because he wrote four detentions in the last one and a half days. All of those were written to people outside our class. We should keep this up. Next, Mr. Schick gave us a preview of the test. The test will be six single sided pages. On the first page we will have fifteen minutes to navigate the CIA World Fact Book and answer fifteen questions. We should average about one question per minute. Later when we practiced, the class figured at we average anywhere between ten and fifteen seconds with practice questions from Mr. Schick. The questions were rather easy, the trick is to know under which category search for each question. For example, if you are looking for literacy rate, you would need to look under communication not people and society. There will be no multiple choice on the test.


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