Demographic Transition Model

Today Mr. Schick introduced us to a new form of measuring population growth by deaths and births. This new form is called a Demographic Transition Model. This looks like a graph with two shaded regions indicating births and deaths. The United States of America's population is growing but not rapidly. Our population grew approximately by two million people going into this year. The population pyramid and demographic transition model both do not take into account the number of immigrants and emigrants entering or leaving a country. Following up on yesterday's discussion, I did some additional research on spending on the U.S. Military. So far this year, there have been 22 U.S. Military non-combat plane crashes. This number is up thirty eight percent from last year. According to multiple people on Capitol Hill, multiple years of budget cuts are taking a toll. The U.S. Marine Corps have it the worst. Approximately seventy percent of its fleet of older F-18 hornets cannot fly. in the Air Force, only about half of the B-1 and B-2 bombers can fly. According to the Senate, only five of fifty eight Army brigades and four of sixty four Air Force squadrons are combat ready. Congress has called for a twenty six billion dollar increase in defense to rebuild and replenish the military and to try to get more airplanes flying again. To sum up, yes the government should provide more budget for the Military. 


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