Greek Rulers

In Greece, politics was an exclusive club. This means that there were no women allowed in political along with slaves and sometimes certain aristocrats who were excluded. They were excluded due to not having the right connections or who fell out of favor. If some aristocrats felt that the government was doing the wrong thing they would attempt to overthrow them. Therefore the aristocrats would form alliances with with hoplites. Hoplites were well armed-soldiers. A tyrant is someone who rules outside the framework of the polis. This is the Ancient Greek definition of a tyrant. However, the modern day definition of a tyrant is someone who is a an abusive and oppressive ruler. Draco who led Greece in 622 BC, all Athenians equal under law. Death was punishment for crimes. This included something from stealing to killing someone-all yield the same punishment. Debt slavery was okay. Debt slavery is being enslaved because you can not monetarily pay back your debt, instead you work.   The word Draconian means an overly harsh punishment and originated from the ruler Draco and his policies. Solon rules from 594 BC and he outlawed debt slavery. All Athenian citizens can speak at the assemblies. And any citizen can press charges against wrongdoers. Eventually all of this led to the rule of Cleisthenes. 


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