Alexander the Great

Today we talked about Alexander the Great. Mr. Schick lead a class discussion on Alexander the Great and we created an outline on the board. First, we started out with Alexander's father who was King Phillip. Philip had invaded Greece and won and wanted to conquer Persia. Unfortunately he was killed before he had been able to do so. This lead Alexander to the throne. Alexander became King of Macedonia at age twenty. There were generals in the army who doubted Alexander's leadership skills and he had them killed. Alexander set out to conquer Persia and defeated Darius I. Alexander the Great was crowned Pharaoh by the Egyptians in 332 B.C. since when he arrived there he told the Egyptians he was a god. Also, Alexander the Great named a city after himself-Alexandria. Alexander then continues East to Persepolis and burned it down and completely destroyed the place. Alexander was declared the unchallenged ruler of Southwest Asia. In 326 B.C., by the Hydaspes River, Alexander defeats India. 


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