The Beginning of Rome

Today as the class waited for the two last people to take their tests on Ancient Greece Mr. Schick instructed the rest of the class to take notes on the next chapter which is on the Roman Republic. This is the beginning of our new chapter on Rome and an end to all of the stuff we have been learning on Greece. As the two students finished their tests Mr. Schick passed back the tests and we went over the answers. There was a a lot of debate regarding the first page of questions especially about questions three through five. Mr. Schick answered by stating that the question was oddly worded but he did not mean to trick anybody. I answered these questions correctly but question seven is where I had some confusion when I got back the test. The answer is marked as B but that is labelled incorrect when I am positive it is indeed B. I asked a few of my friends and they also had B and it was also marked wrong. Unfortunately the bell rang before we could further discuss so it will wait until next class.


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