Human Geo class 9/6-Socrates

Today's class mainly focused around 'new' vocabulary words. 'New' is in quotes as the words of today's lesson were those used by the Ancient Greeks. The first word was agora, and its definition is a common meeting place for the people. The agoras were used to discuss current news and politics, artistic, spiritual, assemblies, and markets. The next word was polis. Polis is a city state in Greece especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes. Polis also is the root of many words in English such as, politics, metropolitan, poll, and policy. The next definition we were asked to search up was the significance of the year 508 B.C. In 508 B.C. Athenian democracy was established under Clesthenes. The next word was Socrates. Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher who founded Western Philosophy. Socrates died in 399 B.C. due to poison when he was found guilty in a trial of a capital offense. One of the more interesting assignments was to find out what the Ancient Greeks meant when they called someone an idiot. It turns out they called people who were not engaged in politics or the community idiots. Also, the formation of democracy was the first time in recorded history that the people had revolted against their ruler(s).


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