Pop quiz and first project

We were surprised with a pop quiz, first thing, mod one. Mr. Schick passed out a Scantron and the instructions were: ten questions, two points, each, ten seconds for each question and no going back. This turned out to be a little tricky for me and from what I can gather for quite a lot of other folks too. Not only was this a pop quiz but also a timed one, first thing in the morning. Afterwards we went over the answers and I am hoping for somewhere between a fourteen to sixteen out of twenty. Next up, we were assigned our first project in this class. We were to choose our own groups and the task is simple. there are two columns to choose form: one that earns you an A if you do all the work, and one that earns you a B. Of course the work for the A is more complicated than that for a B. I chose to work with Aiden and Michael and it is due the next morning.


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