Human Geography Day 2 8.30.17

Mr. Schick took attendance and then checked if everyone had successfully created their own blog. I was the unfortunate who did not successfully create a blogger account despite attempting to create one. Mr. Schick later went on to explain in further detail the class syllabus. There will be no extra credit given in this course. Mr. Schick placed importance on how we must turn in our work and assignments on time. For the first day an assignment is late one letter grade or ten percent will be deducted. Then we talked about materials that will be needed for the class. Each student will necessitate the following items: a personal computer with internet access, a composition note book and pen or pencil, and an open mind. we will be given some projects throughout the year which we will be able to work in groups on. Mr. Schick does not allow cell phones to be in pockets. Towards the end of the class Mr. Schick and I attempted once more to successfully log onto my blogger website using the correct URL. We had success getting onto my blog but nothing was there! I recall writing a blog last night but my mistake was that I had not pressed the publish button and instead hit save and now can not recover the original blog. All is well now and I have completed both assigned blogs and look forward to tomorrow's class.


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