From Local to Global

A focal point of today's class was the phrase above: From Local to Global. Our interpretation of this was that what you do at a small scale(local) can affect other people around you(global). This mainly goes for environmentally related things, like what you grow, where you derive energy for your house from, and so on. An important sentence, which was the only sentence we copied down today was; "At the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns." Later in the class we went on to talk about sources of energy like solar power, for our homes. Mr. Schick revealed that his house is powered by solar panels and they save him money compared to if he were paying BGE for electricity. We then talked a little bit about oil and the Deepwater Horizon spill which happened in 2010. The most important thing I took away though, was that Buzz Aldrin popped a guy in the face who was following his speeches and shouting conspiracies.


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