How to make proper blog posts

Today after taking attendance Mr. Schick gave us a brief overview of some common mistakes he picked up while grading our blogs. Some of these mistakes included writing the date when blogger already does that for you, writing specifically about class that day and not any extras, and regular typographical errors. The only error I could associate with my blogs was that I have been putting the date in the actual blog. I looked back at my blog and it looked silly having 9/21 in the title and then having September 21st written for me right underneath of it. Next we went over our maps which we had completed last week I believe. The maps asked of us to label each numbered region as a continent or cardinal direction. Some of them were a bit trickier than others but I managed to fill them all out correctly. Mr. Schick asked us to list some countries for a few of them. For example Eastern Asia includes China, the Koreas, Japan, Mongolia and Hong Kong. We also learned that tomorrow we will have a substitute as Mr. Schick will be at a museum.


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