Human Geo class 9/13-Thinking Geographically and Maps

Today we started the first real chapter of Human Geography, Thinking Geographically. Mr. Schick went over similarities and differences between The United States and Mexico. The class pointed out some key ones like the climate, political system, the customs however are the same. Mexico is mostly Roman Catholic. In The United States, eighty one percent of people speak English and in Mexico the national language is Spanish. Another interesting fact learned in today's lesson was that English is the most common second language in the world. Mr. Schick gave the explanation for this and the reason is that it is the language used in the business world. The average income of a person in the United States of America is higher than that of Mexico. Also, in Mexico some crops that can't grow in the USA grow there a lot better. The USA can't make everything after all. For example there richest cocoa beans are produced in Colombia. Unfortunately the United States is sending their jobs to Mexico. Some big corporations, like Ford and other automobile manufactures are building plants in Mexico and China since labor their is cheaper. Today was a great first day of really getting into Human Geography and can not wait for tomorrow's class.


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