Human Geo class 9/19-Mapping from memory

Today in Human Geography Mr. Schick had us do an exercise which tested our memory but mostly the knowledge of our world. One activity really tested our memory and how much we pay attention to our surroundings. The other activity just straight up tested how much we know about what is where in the world. For activity number one, we were instructed to recreate a map of the world in our notebooks and label some significant places that we could recall. I attempted to draw all of the states in the U.S. and got about 45 of them in. The only other place my map fell apart was south Eastern Asia. I missed some of the 'stan's' like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and some others. The second activity's directions were to draw a bird's-eye view of a road map of your way to school. For some people it was difficult to recall their way to get to John Carroll but I found it fairly easy. Mr. Schick also told us to put landmarks like restaurants, businesses and other buildings. The main highlight of today's class though was that there was an A/C unit installed right next to Mr. Schick' desk with a remote control, he named it Faith.


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