Human Geo class 9/21-Uniqueness of Earth

Today in human geography class we discussed one of the main concepts for the chapter. This was that each point on Earth is unique from any other. This means that no place is like the other. This is also similar to humans. Each person is unique and created differently, and they have a different set of DNA. Point A on Earth and point B are all completely different due to land features and many, many other reasons that distinguish everything from anything else. Mr. Schick also went over how he hands back tests with the bell. If you here one ding from the bell that means you scored a ninety percent or higher and two dings means that you scored one hundred percent. No dings, well that means you scored eighty nine percent or below. I was the very fortunate and only one who scored one hundred percent on the first human geography test and my first test overall of high school.


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