Human Geo class 9/5-excellence

Excellence was a main focus of today's class. Mr. Schick put main focus on the Ancient Greek word Arete. Arete means moral virtue or excellence. This is what Elbert Hubbard wanted to see in the world: excellence, or arete, in every person. He wanted everyone to hold themselves to the highest standard possible and to be the best person they can be all the time. If you are a little unsure about what exactly A Message to Garcia is about here is a little backstory. Twenty-fifth President of the United States, William McKinley Jr., asked a military officer named Rowan to deliver a letter to the Cuban revolutionary, Garcia. This is a brutal task since one must first cross the Caribbean Sea to get to Cuba, then they must sneak past enemy lines and final deliver the letter. Rowan did this for the President because he was asked and knows it must be done. Another interesting fact is that President McKinley has a mountain named after him, Mt. McKinley, in Alaska, which no longer bares that name which I was a little disappointed to find out since I had always known it as Mount McKinley. We also went over some odd vocabulary including words like perihelion, slipshod, imbecility, and missive. One interesting vocabulary word in my opinion was stenographer which actually was a popular occupation. what a stenographer's job is they have to record everything a particular person says. typically you will find this in courtrooms.


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