More on Site and Situation

Today in Human Geo we were surprised with a pop quiz. The quiz was a replica of the assignment we had in class a week ago. The only part I believe I may have missed was the difference between Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. I remembered that the prefix sub means under so I went with that. And then the only other confusing part for me was the difference between South and East Asias, which were not clearly labeled on the map. Then Mr. Schick gave us his lesson on site and situation since he was not present the day we were to review that. Then the class went on a thirty minute discussion on how crabs and eating animals are weird. Some cultures in the world do have odd traditions which should be respected by other people unless they are extremely abnormal or something very inhumane. This should be upheld by all people because if you think a certain culture is weird take a good look at yourself before you judge their customs and rituals.


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