Site and Situation

Site is the physical place or location of something. Characteristics of site include topography, soil, climate, water sources, vegetation, latitude, and elevation. The combination of all of these characteristics will distinguish one site from another. After all every point on Earth is unique. All people are unique and different since we each have a different set of DNA. This also applies to land. One area might have the same soil and vegetation as another but a different climate and water source, making them different. Situation, on the other hand, is the location of a place relative to other places. Situation is important for two reasons: finding a certain place and understanding the significance of it.  Many locations are important because they are the gateway to other places. This emphasizes the importance of situations. This can go for most major ports in the world. like our very own Inner Harbor in Baltimore which could be a gateway to the rest of the East coast and to the Western U.S. My home for example, you can that is has the main living space on the right of the garage in Bel Air, but this could go for many other peoples homes. If I went on to specify and say that some parts of my house had a light blue color and the vegetation around the area included trees and bushes then the results could be narrowed down more. For situation you could say my house is located close to the John Carroll School. Situation and site can be critical for cartographers and navigators and anyone who works with or uses map and direction.


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