Electoral Maps activity continued

Before we got into today's lesson, Aidan decided to voice his opinion of Mr. Schik's shirt at the beginning of class. Today we continued the Electoral mapping activity. I and my group had left off half way through the 2008 electoral map. The way I had been doing this activity is I went up and down the columns of states. For example, I went to Washington and then went down to Oregon and then to California, and listed them into their appropriate categories. This tactic worked for me as I am very proficient in recognizing state shapes. By the second time around I could very easily just point to a state and say "Wyoming." There still has not yet been a hidden meaning revealed to this activity but I am sure that there will soon be one. If I had to guess, based on what we are currently learning, I would say that there is something to do with the voting in America and the way the regions are done.


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