Population Changes and Average Life Expectancy

Today we continued with the Slides presentation. We had left off on the slide that talked about the highest and lowest life expectancy in the world and where the United States falls. Branching off of what I had mentioned last post, people in Monaco has the highest life expectancy rate in the world. The women have the highest rate in the world with 93.58. Crude birth rate is the number of births person per one thousand people and the crude death rate is, well, the number of deaths per one thousand people. We went on to discuss why the life expectancy in almost every country in the world, for women, is higher than that for men. We came to the reason that men, for the most part do more dangerous tasks than women do. For example, Mr. Collins mentioned his father's co-worker who works with people who collapse skyscrapers. This is a dangerous job. To be successful, you must put explosives in the correct place inside the building and make it collapse within itself. Mr. Schick recommended that Owen, ask his father to ask his co-worker if there are any women who work hands-on on the site. Mr. Schick does not think so.


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