Test #2 review and possible questions

Today Mr. Schick gave everybody a chance to create a few test questions which Mr. Schick will either approve or disapprove of. A few of mine were the following:

  1. Who is the current President of The United States
  1. Barack Obama
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Bill Clinton
  4. George W. Bush

  1. Name a state that voted Republican in 2004 but Democratic in 2008.
  1. Texas
  2. Connecticut
  3. Nevada
  4. Maryland

  1. Which state is also, mostly, its own region?-from the map on the blog
  1. Texas
  2. Massachusetts
  3. Maryland
  4. Nevada

  1. When did the United States gain its independence and from whom?
  1. 1776, Great Britain
  2. 1777, Great Britain
  3. 1776, France
  4. 1177, France

The one I chose to share was number two but Mr. Schick thought it was too difficult so he instead modified it to "Which state voted Republican in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 election?" with the one answer being Texas. Some important notes for the test are:
-There are twenty seven time zones.
-Sir Sanford Fleming proposed the idea for time zones in 1879.
-GPS stands for Global Positioning System
-The science and art of map making is called cartography. 
-The equator is zero degrees latitude. 
The essay question is "Give an example of thinking globally and acting locally. Advantages and disadvantages?" This question can be answered by simply riding a bike to where you have to go because this reduces pollution. A disadvantage of this is that not everybody will do it and only one person riding a bike will not have much of an impact. Another thing we must do on the test is to be able to identify important lines of latitude and longitude like the equator and prime meridian.
P.S.: This activity was a very beneficial way of reviewing for a test and we should use it again in the future. 


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