Test Answers review

Today we received our tests back. There were many scores above the ninetieth percentile warranting an A. I was one of them with a ninety four percent on the test. Mr. Schick said that the test was too easy if the average was an eighty six percent, and in the future he will be making them harder. This is not good. The class was also advised to keep this test as we would see many of these question on the semester one exam. As we went around the room discussing the answers, Mr. Schick said that the hardest question on the test was the one asking which of the following cities was seventy eight degrees West and zero degrees North/South. I knew there was only one city on the list which was West of the Prime Meridian and it was Quito, Ecuador. After we finished checking the tests, we went back to the Slides and we talked about the push and pull forces/factors of why people leave their countries and enter new ones.


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