Class Debate and more with Hans

Today we started out by completing the class survey for Mr. Schick's class. I have done this survey for many other teachers and they have all been the same. Then we continued to watch the video with the Swedish man, Hans Rosling, from the other day. We saw the change in people from 1948 to 2009. Everybody seemed to move up the chart which is good! The world is becoming wealthier and less folks are living in poverty. The class went into a long debate which Mr. Schick initiated. His question was: Should the government increase or decrease spending for the U.S. Military? I answered by saying yes because much of the weaponry the military currently uses is outdated and needs to be replaced. Some replacement parts needed for planes are not even produced anymore. The debate later went into what we should do with North Korea. This was a previously debated topic in our class. Nothing much has changed other than the fact that now, North Korea has an ICBM that is capable of reaching U.S. mainland. 


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