Even More on Population Pyramids

Today we furthered our discussion on population pyramids following up on the last chapter. Mr. Schick told us that today would be a video day and he was correct. We spent the entire class going through two videos which dealt with population pyramids. The first was about five minutes long and came from a group called TedEd. The other video was with a Swedish man named Hans Rosling who cast a projection of a population graph through the last century. The title of our notes today was 'Demographic Transition.' A few key notes I took down were: A pre-industrialized society turns into an industrial society and, then to a post industrial society. Industrialization is simply the process of becoming industrial. In this case, life expectancy goes up and the child mortality rate goes down. This is logical because if your technology is better, in s community, for example then you will be able to take better care of your people. We ended by looking at Hans's projection of a population graph. 


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