Population Pyramids

To start off the new week, Mr. Schick took the liberty of going through his entire presentation from the beginning once more. There is not much too write about here without repeating much of previous posts. A few key points that he made this time around were that, the fact "There are 7.5 billion people on Earth right now" will be a test question. In my opinion this will be one of the easiest questions on this test, which Mr. Schick hinted will be coming before the ned of the week. Another fact he pointed out which will be a test question is that "In order for a population rate to grow the TFR must be at least 2.1, or higher." After this we went into something new to most of us, but not so much for me. On my shadow day at John Carroll back last year, in my shadow host, Ian Baier's human geography class, they were covering the exact same thing with Mr. Fendryk. The only statement I copied down today was, "We use population to analyze growth (or decline) of fertility, mortality, and migration in cites." Then we went on to gander at a population pyramid of a city/country which Mr. Schick has yet to reveal to us which it is. This will remain a mystery until next class.


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