Exam Preparation and Pop Quiz Answers

Today we listened to all the helpful and wise advise Mr. Schick had to give us about exam's week. The exam for human geography class will be worth one hundred points. The exam will have two essays. These essays will be essential to the entire grade as they are worth fifty percent of the exam grade, or fifty points. Essentially, the essays are worth ten percent of our grade, since they are fifty percent of the exam which is worth twenty percent of our grade. There will one hundred multiple choice questions each worth a half a point. The good part of it all is that Mr. Schick will give us a little bit of help with the essays. The first one will deal with the demographic transition model and population pyramids. The second essay will be our choice from two or three writing prompts. Mr. Schick believes that giving us a little bit of aid on the essays will be beneficial to us and to him because studying for the essays will help us with the entire exam. Also, it will be more enjoyable for the teacher grading it, as most likely they will be grading well written essays than very poorly thought out ones, since the student most likely studied for the exam. 


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