More on Demographic Transition Model

Today we started off class by having some people suggest the idea of taking a picture of their notes directly from their notebook. This could serve as the blog for the day. Mr. Schick advises that this is not the best practice because physically transferring and reading back through your notes will help you learn what you wrote down in class that day. Mr. Schick’s most recent blog post at the time of the writing of this, reads “another view of the Demogrpahic Transition model.” This is what we did today. In the blog post, there is a description with a new set of words to explain in a different way what a Demographic Transition Model demonstrates. Demographic Transition (DT) refers to the transition from high birth rate and high death rate to lower birth rates and death rates. Another interesting fact that I learned today was that the Industrial Revolution began in the seventeen-hundreds in Great Britain with the development of textile mills. 


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