More on the Leaders of the World

Today we picked up with Bashar al-Assad. Assad was born on September 11, 1965. He went to med school to be a doctor. His brother was unexpectedly killed in a car crash, then the people looked to him to be the heir to the throne when their father steps down. Bashar al-Assad succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad in 2000, when he died. When Assad became president he ordered mass crackdowns on the people. Justin Trudeau of Canada was born December 25, 1971 to Pierre and Margaret Trudeau. He defended Canadian Federalism. Today Canada is a federal parliamentary republic, run by PM Trudeau. Israel is lead by President Rivlin but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has the main role. When 'Bibi's' brother was killed in a plane hijacking in 1976,  Israel ordered that an armed guard be onboard each flight going in and out of Israel. In the USA, President Donald J. Trump is ranked, by Forbes magazine, the 248th richest man in the world. President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya is the son of the first president of the nation of Kenya since its official establishment. He won in what was a somewhat rigged election. The Republic of Korea is governed by President Moon Jae-in, whom if you were to greet in person you would say "President Moon." South Korea is a parliamentary republic. Moon's parents were actually refugees who left North Korea. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is lead by president Kim Jong-un. 


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