Test Answers Discussed

Today in class we spent the majority of the time taking notes or completing the ones we had already started last class. The notes were to be taken out of the textbook and written in our notebook. No new notes from Mr. Schick were given today. As the class took notes, a few people were taking the test that they missed on Friday. This test was mentioned in the last post. Mr. Schick was waiting for the people to finish their tests prior to discussing answers but before we could do that he had to grade them. As we went along and received our tests back from Mr. Schick there were plenty A's. I scored a ninety-three percent which yields three questions wrong. These questions included one from the multiple choice section and two from the map. The map part bugged me because I like maps and I should have known what the answers were. I missed the two points on the map which were Macedonia and Persia/Asia Minor. The final question I missed was the one I said I had talked to Mr. Schick with in the hall, was who wrote poems and epics of great deeds and it was Homer. 


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